Payment of Subs

There are now two ways you can pay Holmer Green Youth Club for the £3.00 entrance fee.

On the night

Pay on the door by bringing £3.00

Termly prepaid payment

You now have the option of paying per term direct into our bank account.

We will be charging £32 per term.

The payment will be the same for each term but has been calculated to cover 36 term-time weeks.

This means you can take advantage of at least 4 free sessions per year.

Payment method

Make the payment using online banking at least 1 week before your Young Person’s Youth Club evening, stating the Year Group, first initial & surname of the Young Person attending as reference for the payment.
For example: Yr9M.Turner

Please also e-mail when you have paid or if you have chosen to stop paying direct.

You can start or stop paying online whenever you wish.
The bank details needed are below and will also be on our website.

Name – Holmer Green Youth Club

Sort Code – 60-11-01

Account Number – 45272921